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About us


Bill Story became our Teaching Pastor in April 2006. 

The teaching philosophy is that the primary focus of teaching will be conducted by our Teaching or Senior Pastor. The Senior or Teaching Pastor is also an Elder.

In addition to his shepherding role as an elder, his primary responsibility is the ministry of the Word and prayer in order to provide strategic leadership and vision to the overall body.

He also is called to help believers mature their faith, through insightful and accurate exposition of biblical truths, equipping them to be true "ministers" of the body.

Board of Elders

In an effort to bring our leadership in line with the plurality of leadership found in the New Testament, we are led by Elders.

  • Mark Harbour

  • Bill Story

The first function of an elder is to lead. According to Acts 20 and 1 Peter 5, elders are to shepherd a church. And it´s the shepherd role that includes leading, directing, governing and managing the church.

Elders also teach and protect. This is what separates them from boards of directors or trustees. Because elders do more than make policy and control the money.

The last function is what makes or breaks a good elder board. It´s the function of caring. As shepherds, elders must be able to meet the individual practical, emotional, physical and spiritual needs of those in the church. This means visiting the sick, comforting those who are grieving, praying for everyone. It means visiting new members or prospective members and counseling those experiencing difficult times. In other words, elders are pastors.

Elder meetings are held on the second and fourth Wednesday evenings at 6:30 p.m. in the church office and these meetings are open to anyone who would like to attend.


  • James Schubauer

While Deacons assist the Elders in the care and nurturing of the local church body their role is different. Their focus is on service and not leadership.

Their unique purpose is to carry out the kind of work described in the Book of Acts, Chapter 6: to wait on those in need in order that the pastors, elders and leaders may have adequate time and opportunity to devote themselves to prayer and the ministry of the Word of God. They are ready to do any work that is a logical and practical extension of the work of Christ through the local body of believers.

Certain of these tasks are ongoing and will be done in an orderly fashion by the Deacon Board, but some shall be on an as-needed basis as directed by the Board of Elders.

Our Deacon Board consists of our Front Line Ministry Leaders.

Children’s Coordinator
Shannon VanderMeer


Pastor Bill and Delinda story


A Word from Bill Story, Teaching-Pastor of Little Log Church 


I am so grateful that God has brought me to the Little Log Church Family. I am eager to serve Him by a clear presentation of His Christ-centered Word. It is my firm conviction that this is the means by which God works to save and sanctify His people. And so preaching and teaching Christ from the Scriptures has always been a leading emphasis in my shepherding of the flock.

God called me to pastoral ministry during my college years and I have had the privilege of serving in the pastorate since 1987. I have a heart and passion for pastoring and teaching God’s people. As a preacher/teacher, my style is expository, verse by verse. My vision and goal as a Teaching Pastor is to teach the mind and shepherd the heart. In other words, it is not enough to simply teach the truths of a passage, but to apply those truths with conviction – to continually examine the heart and ask ourselves, “what difference does it make?”

In preaching, I have grown in my passion not only to build up God’s people, but to reach the lost with the saving message of Jesus Christ. First Corinthians 1 and 2 gives us Paul’s standards for proclaiming Christ: purposeful, intentional, Spirit-empowered, ‘foolish’ in the eyes of men, unmanipulative, and a simple declaration of Jesus Christ and Him crucified (1:18-2:5). It is a foolish message (Christ crucified) communicated by a foolish method (preaching) dependant upon foolish means (the Holy Spirit). The standard for our methods must not be whatever works, but what honors God; not whatever pleases men, but what pleases our Lord. 

My family, (Delinda, Zac and Abby) and I moved to Palmer Lake in 2003 and we have fallen in love with the community, the beautiful mountains here and most recently the Little Log Church family. Prior to coming to Colorado, pastoring a church in San Jose, California for over eight years, then in Illinois for four years. 

May God give His wisdom and discernment as we seek to do His will. We look forward to meeting each of you.

Together in Christ,

Bill Story


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